
有點詭異的巧合! 我才看完電影"蘇利機長", "扁史丹利"就來了! "扁史丹利"也曾在那架蘇利機長駕駛然後迫降在哈德遜河上的美航1549的班機上. "扁史丹利"的旅行同伴把它放在手提箱內也平安獲救.

至於"扁史丹利計劃案"是一個加拿大小學老師在1995年開始的, 靈感來自一套童書系列"扁史丹利". 傑夫.布朗所著的第一本出版於1926年呢!

書中說了個故事: 史丹利被掛在他床邊牆上的大佈告板給壓扁了. 他沒事而且好好地過足了他新身型的癮. (從門縫裡進入鎖住的房間, 成為他弟弟的風箏飛上了天, 被裝在信封裡被郵寄到加州去拜訪朋友.) 最後史丹利厭煩了當扁人, 他弟弟用腳踏車充氣幫浦幫他變回原型.

得到"優良教學"獎(2001)的"扁史丹利"計劃, 旨在加強學童寫作, 因為孩子們必須記錄"扁史丹利"去了哪裡. 每個學生的"扁史丹利"持續地傳給別人, 拿到的人要把它當來訪客人招待, 替它寫下旅行日記. 最後在指定的時間內回到出發地.

於是, 我的公寓就來了個從一個法國小學來的"扁史丹利" (不知道為什麼, 它的名字是 Clement)!




Arrived at my apartment in Phu My Hung, a nice residential area in south of Ho Chi Minh City:

Relaxed in my apartment's balcony:


Visited Continental Hotel, the oldest French hotel in Indochina:


Visited the tallest building in Ho Chi Minh City - The Financial Tower! Your new friend Trung was holding you high!


Visited General Post Office, built by the French and is still operating today as the General Post Office:


Visited Notre Dame de Saigon built by the French:


Visited Rex Hotel, the "heavenly" place for American solders during their holidays in Vietnam War:


Visited the Ho Chi Minh statute with the Ho Chi Minh City's City Hall (it used to be a French hotel). Ho Chi Minh was the Vietnamese hero led the independent war with the French and succeeded!:


Visited Opera House, also built by the French:


Lunched at another Vietnamese restaurant for southern Vietnamese dishes:


Followed me to downtown and had a nice middle Vietnamese meal in Dong Pho restaurant:


Visited Le Qui Dong High School, which was established 146 years ago and used to be the oldest French school in Indochina

5. "Nice meeting you!" Spent time with a beautiful young student (Trinh) in traditional school uniform:


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